

Outbound Logistics

Time critical services, a narrow network of international partners and intermodal transport empower you to foster a variable distribution of your products according your desired timeframe of delivery. Requirements of market supply will be targeted along your considerations of an optimal choice of service level.

Production Services

Empower your receiving area through pre-modified shipments according your production schedule. The applicable good - in require quantity - at your predetermined place - at the precise time of your demand - creates indispensable value to foster your flow of material within your enterprise in order to fulfill a high level of efficiency. Considerung your specific set-up times, Striebich picks, modifies, refines, assembles and packs your goods in suitable units for production.

Supply Management

We care about the sourcing of your raw material and products. Reduce administrative overhead costs through buffered call-offs according to your plan of manufactoring. Gain time and resources for your core business benefiting from an upstream quality management in order to ensure a smooth production process. Minimize risks of invalid quantities, defected or false products.


Maintain value of your investments. Reprocessing and the associated transports reduce costs of deprecation and endorse your striving after sustainibility. Our distinct aptitude for lean and streamlined processes leverage your opportunities to reduce complex order reprocessing.

Hazardous Goods

Handling of harzardous goods being regulated in "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" by the United Nations Organization (UNO) on part of transportation is supplemented by the Committee on Hazardous Substances (AGS) in "Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances" (TRGS) for storing above-mentioned goods. Substances in non-stationary containers are regulated in TRGS 510 which reflect the state of the art, the state of occupational health and occupational hygiene as well as other sound work-scientific knowledge relating to activities involving hazardous substances including their classification and labeling.

Cleaning SLC on a particle level

Gain added value for your production and value-chain from an individually designed concept of cleaning your reusable packaging. Just-in time, just-in sequence, respectively along your demands, we offer our service to ensure a high-level of cleanliness within your value-chain. Detergents will be adjusted according its level of soiling and your conceivability of the required minimun level of particles.

Warehouse Services

Saturating markets and market share linked to vigorous competition? Let us consult you about the opportunities of agile stock and shortest delivery times for your customers. Amplify your unique selling proposition (usp) by flexibility and a high level of supply capability. Our Warehouse Management System endorses manifold sale strategies, inventory models and facilitates highest quality standards in serving your customers.

Assembling & Packaging

Safe packaging is the fundament of secure loading. Benefit from our assembling & packaging service. Emanating from your requirements we will develop a custom-made packiging solution and integrate it in a time-optimal distribution concept. Due to our cooperation with Beamer Group you will be in a postion to resort to a sophisticated stretch hood plant.

Outsourcing Service

In times of rising market demand - Are your striving to further advancement without its necessary time? Does administrative work and complexity consume valuable ressources and restrain you from implementing your strategic goals? Trust our know-how in the range of functional outsourcing and sharpen your core competencies.

International transportation

Utilise our international network of partners - cross-border goods flows with short times of delivery by shipments efficiently bundled. Daily departures to 19 european countries pave your way to act most flexible on international markets whether sourcing or distribution of your products.


    Fon: 07222 - 9546 0
    Fax: 07222 - 9546 50

    Visit us:
    Spedition Striebich GmbH
    Draisstr. 27-29
    76461 Muggensturm

    Ihre Ansprechpartner